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  1. Past hour
  2. Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA Welcome
  3. I think they should incorporate Granny Smith as the voice on apple phones instead if wasting time on new stuff.
  4. Welcome Rea. You are nuts for being a idiot.
  5. Today
  6. Welcome to the family of idiots ..
  7. Damn, Where do you live in the woods...
  8. Welcome to this great group of Idiots. You will fit in nicely. As Bay Area Buggs character Trenton always says…Idiot!
  9. Apple is fucked and once Elon makes a X phone that'll be the nails in Apples coffin. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU TIM COOK and your WOKE OPEN AI bullshit. FUCK YOU'RE AI. FUCK YOUR RASIST/WOKE AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tim Cooks is a fucking idiot. If they think I will allow their AI to remember everything I do.. FUCK YOU! Will you get a X phone? Will you trash your iPhone if it has any Open AI on it? Or will you suck Tim Cooks dick? https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/elon-slams-apples-farcical-ai-launch-says-will-ban-tim-cooks-creepy-spyware-devices-if-they
  10. the graphics are getting more and more realistic wow should take a top GPU to run this..!!
  11. Happy birthday everyone have a nice day!!!
  12. Happy Birthday and have a great day
  13. I've recommended your site to all my friends who are interested in [topic]. Keep up the fantastic work!

    Air Explorer Pro Full Cracked


  14. What does any discussion about biden have to do with Trump? Have to agree though, about age. There's a point reached where experience is overwhelmed by physical & mental deterioration. If you can't cover 12hrs of workload, you don't need to be in charge of anything. Let people with a future make the decisions.
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