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  2. Paranosense here,i just drop in to say hello to all of you! I'm Greek but i live in Sweden.I'm 40 years old and married with 3 kids.I work like a toolmaker and maintenance at Volvo. I speak Greek, Swedish, English(not so good) Hobbies are listen to music and play COD 4 and 5. I was a clan member to two clans before 1 tactical and 1 freeze tag, they do not exist anymore. I like your servers and people C u in the battlefield!
  3. I don't click links, but will add Gary, Indiana if not mentioned.
  4. A healthy does of eating dirt always did us good growing up. Lord knows I ate my share. That and creek and lake water !! Good to hear from you Pedro !!! Just ordered a Gibson Monkey SG with P90 pickups brother !!! Guys I jam with tell me I need to add a Hofner or Rickenbacker Bass to my collection !!! Only have a couple bass guitars. I still have that Beatles Auction Catalog I wanted to send you !!! But alas you never sent me an address !!! Very interesting Beatle memorabilia in there. Stuff I never new existed. Here is a link to one for sale on ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/324598402803 PM me your address and I will send it to you via USPS Priority mail. Good bathroom reader !!!
  5. Philly, Baltimore, DC, the entire state of California ect ect ect lol
  6. Do you think we have become over sensitive to almost everything? I recall as a kid we didn't have seat belts or ran with scissors... yet we survived.
  7. Its biological warfare and population control rolled into one. And its hard to prove if it was man made. Not like mustard gas or others used in a war.
  8. So I was eating some possibly Bird Flu contaminated Ice Cream last night (Chocolate) then I seen this in the AM after almost finishing a gallon. I'm still going to eat my possibly contaminated Ice Cream again tonight and I'm going to get more, much more likely contaminated Ice Cream on the 4 of March. I'm hoping to be a early adopter to the antibodies. Ivermectin Bitches!!!!!!!!!!! This is another Gain of Function enhanced by China virus funded by the USA. I apologize. Nuremburg 2.0 is needed. https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2023/04/11/lab-leak-accident-h-5-n-1-virus-avian-flu-experiment/11354399002/ Let me show you a list of articles trying to scare everyone. Don't be a fool this time you Idiots. They're only trying to steal elections again. Can't wait to be called a murder for NEVER going to get their vaccine and refusing to put a dumb mask on. Fun times coming. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4636692-cats-died-after-drinking-raw-milk-from-cows-infected-with-bird-flu-cdc/ https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/i-dont-consume-any-meat-karine-jean-pierre/ https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/01/bird-flu-outbreak-cows-biden-00155452 https://www.statnews.com/2024/05/01/bird-flu-pasteurization-inactivates-h5n1-in-milk/ https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/two-possible-bird-flu-vaccines-available-weeks-needed-rcna149961 https://www.cdc.gov/flu/avianflu/avian-flu-summary.htm/ https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/30/health/video/bird-flu-virus-gupta-osterholm-digvid USA Today.. everyone be afraid. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2024/05/01/bird-flu-worry-government-preparedness-update/73519443007/ https://www.who.int/publications/m/item/joint-fao-who-woah-preliminary-assessment-of-recent-influenza-a(h5n1)-viruses
  9. I listen to Peter Schiff from time to time. Huge Gold guy... he is usually 100% correct on just abut everything. The effort is to kill the Dollar and this is going to hurt. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/peter-schiff-blasts-bidens-proposed-taxes-blatantly-illegal
  10. my god damn blood is boiling right now https://www.bitchute.com/video/WWCblbpYMPHk/
  11. Happy Birthday and have a great day
  12. Indianola, Texas. Beautiful beach on Matagorda Bay with a big rock. On that rock is a placard stating this was where the courthouse stood. Hurricane erased the city.
  13. Sorry to hear this bro.. Thoughts and prayers to you and u family
  14. XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. StonerUK (41)
  15. Happy Birthday everyone ! and a special to @PACMAN---- !
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