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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/19 in Posts

  1. Sway

    We Sway

    Hi everyone! It's the start of a new year so I thought I'd finally introduce myself I'm Sway, or you can just call me Dave. I've been playing on the Freezetag servers for the past few months now and it's one of my favorite things to do! I began playing there several years ago but due to work and life in general, I had to put a halt to it. BUT I'm back and ready to kill...myself when I can't properly throw a nade or shoot down a car... FU cars! I apologize to those who have tried engaging with me in-game and I don't reply. I have 2 cats and one of them always decides to join me whenever I'm gaming, so it's hard for me to move my hands around to type. Don't worry, I'm not ignoring you, I can hear and read you loud and clear (most of the time at least) lol I'll be getting a mic soon though so I hope I can finally speak with you all Looking forward to defrosting you guys! P.S Here's my proof!!
    5 points
  2. I recomend sleeping in on Thursday mornings
    3 points
  3. Unchileno

    R.I.P. Super Dave

    Good bye to the greatest dare devil ever..Fuck this guy was riot..
    3 points
  4. Timmah!

    We Sway

    Heynow! Welcome to the forums. Looks like you got one of those black particle board jobs from Wal mart just like I....and your cat...at least it sits beside you instead of directly in front of you.
    2 points
  5. Sikon

    Text effects

    I think that got it, and made the spark fade out more at the end and slowed down the restart by another second or so.
    2 points
  6. mp_78druglord mp_blood island mp_railgun mp_homeroom mp_ax_simmerath mp_xi_nowhere mp_cw_farm mp_dawnville mp_v2bunker mp_farmhouse2 mp_hurtsum mp_montargis mp_outskirts mp_pds mp_radiorelay mp_remagen mp_southfrance5 mp_streets mp_duong mp_waterway
    1 point
  7. Barron


    1 point
  8. Happy B-Day old man ! Now u can stop shooting me u prick:) have a good one!
    1 point
  9. FUNky

    We Sway

    Welcome. Hope to see you soon in game.
    1 point
  10. Helio


    1 point
  11. you might of hit this at that time. from the descrition page
    1 point
  12. LaRSin

    Happy Birthday Duffy

    Happy Birthday Duffy Happy Birthday and have a great day
    1 point
  13. Angelz

    Text effects

    That is so cool!!!
    1 point
  14. Sikon

    Text effects

    An updated version. I'm thinking about adding a bit more to it, I just need to play around with it and see if it looks okay.
    1 point
  15. Angelz


    First time I have ever counted the amount of work I did for online. I have been doing sigs, avatars, logo's, banners and website customizing for 18 years now. I estimate I have done over 5000. I made 214 sigs, avatars, logo's and banners in 2018. Can't wait to see what I do in 2019.
    1 point
  16. _GATOR_


    The ones I have seen, including mine, look awesome. You do incredible work.
    1 point
  17. Have the Firestick, so have Amazon Prime and Netflix on that. Had Kodi for a while, but seemed more problems. After improving wireless with a good router, a Netgear 5G or 2.4G, got a better app for tv and movies called Terrarium. Using on Stick and my tablet. Works well! YouTube has instructions to install.
    1 point
  18. FUNky

    R.I.P Daryl Dragon

    Sad to hear we lost The Captain
    1 point
  19. do you have the rom for the Atari 2600 called lost luggage? if you do you are the man and I want it
    1 point
  20. RobMc


    No the wonder you don't have time for me anymore - bitch ! ?
    1 point
  21. deerejon

    RIP Ray Sawyer

    Hey Ray Hey Sugar...tell 'em who we are....RIP Ray
    1 point
  22. Chips Ahoy

    free pokerstar chips

    hell yeah... gimme gimme gimme
    1 point
  23. We could play hopscotch next but I'd be afraid I would hit the bottom of the ocean.
    1 point
  24. Resolutions,people look at them this way sit on the toilet 1 min.before midnight,take a crap now it"s after midnight,and what you have is the same shit as last year. ?
    1 point
  25. Last years resolutions didn't work out for me so this year I don't have any. Probably cutting smoking and drinking a little bit. Ah.... and keep giving 2manybeers, Robmc, momkey, spinpuppy, Dj, crowe and.......... A HARD TIME......Well, trying anyway. HAPPY NEW YEAR ?
    1 point
  26. mmm let me see, I think it would be to say "FU" more.. FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU,FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU, FU. That will cover 2019...
    1 point
  27. Damn!!!! We tied!!!!! There has got to be a way to win this game... Wait I figured out a way.
    1 point
  28. My resolution is to work more on my graphic design work, get my t-shirt design business more exposure, get my blog up and running again, and dust off my photography gear and create more art. And get a longer penis.
    1 point
  29. My resolution is to stop reading news forums where every other post is by a troll or a bot.
    1 point
  30. be a nicer person and try to be more patient and understanding and think before i talk when upset .gonna try to trip on some mushrooms-i heard that one trip actually changes your brain and makes you a more compassionate person.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. !FU @OB1 My new years resolution is not to make a new years resolution because I always break them anyway within a month or 2. Maybe if I made more "Realistic" new years resolutions? Blaaaaaa!.
    1 point
  33. In 2019 I am going to turn over a new leaf, and HOP like Sharpe, TUBE like Angus, Knife like Larsin, scream like Roxy, curse like J3str3r. You know... Just be a real IDIOT!!!!! LOL. Happy new year everyone.
    1 point
  34. To be a nicer person in game, a more considerate player, never to curse, or tease my fellow players in game. To be nice in the forums and answer things respectfully, even hxtr, and not to be a gobshite. So, no f....g chance of that eh? FU all in 2019
    1 point
  35. Hhhmmm that's a good question. I think mine would to open up to people more and be less of a bitch?
    1 point
  36. Eric Geer a comment on this video lost his dad Dec 17th of this year. Show him some love.
    1 point
  37. RobMc

    NEW CoD 5 maps

    You couldn't see and shoot an elephant on a wide sandy beach you old fart ?
    1 point
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