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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/24 in Posts

  1. Yesterday I took my wife for pre booked tests at the hospital. And after having an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy the Doctors discovered my wife has Bowel Cancer. At the moment we are just numb and trying to get our heads round it, Donna is a woman who has never smoked or drank to excess (the odd glass of wine) and teaches PE at school. So she has always been fit and healthy. And in ten years has only been off work twice due to illness it just makes no sense. We have now told all the family which has been very hard on everyone. This woman is my rock for over 22 years we have only ever been apart 3 times in all those years. I find myself having to be the strong one telling everyone its alright mum will be fine, while cracking jokes and keeping a smile on my face when in reality I just want to scream. It is now a waiting game for more tests and the results from the Biopsy. We have a full body CT scan booked for the 4th of next month to see if it has spread and only after those results will the Doctors decide the next step. I do not claim to be a religeous man but I prayed for the first time in a lot of years. Not for me but for my wife who is the most wonderfull kind and gentle woman you could ever wish to meet. I only post this to remind everyone, hug the special people in your life , tell them you love them today. Because you never know what tomorrow brings. Wishing everyone the best Baldie (Rob)
    5 points
  2. I use steam to cook oysters shrimp and lobsters. That's all it's good for. lol
    3 points
  3. Let start with your clan name? Roody Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? In former times "Ans" later sometimes "FreakFunk" When and where were you born? My son claims that I should have met the dinosaurs. Grrrrrr But it was 1972 Oct. In a small city named Gelnhausen (Germany) When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Drummer in a rockband, better metalband. Where have you lived? My whole life in a small village near Frankfurt. In the middle of the dark woods. What got you into gaming? My neighbour and his two COMPETITION PRO joysticks plugged in the C64 Your first game you played? Xerons And what do you play now? Xerons and COD4 Why did you join XI? The name "xtreme idiots" catched me. My humor! And I was addicted by the freezetag server from xi. Very funny mod. What do you get from being in this clan? I can no longer be kicked from a full server. Meet incredible crazy people from all around the world What is your favorite hobby? See my son laughing, freezing some old guys, repairing notebooks and personal computers, my dog, mountainbiking What is your favorite travel destination? acores, la gomera Are you married? Yep. Nearly 20 years now. Hard time for my wife. Do you have children? A wonderful son ("Cpt. Rex" on COD4 ft Server) What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? A black cat called "Shadow" und a black dog named "Sky" Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Hallenhalma and Tabletennis. Timo Boll is my fav sportsman What causes are you passionate about? Helping helpless people. For example refugees from ukraine, disabled persons and much more. Respect for all people Do you volunteer? If so, where? I'm member in school parents council. And in DLRG (german lifesaving society). There I train swimming for kids What is an interesting fact about you? My shoe size is 10 Did you belong to any professional organizations? yes What is your current job title? system engineer Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? It's a great swimming award in germany called "Seepferdchen" Where do you work? In Frankfurt at a big broadcaster What other job titles have you had in your career? Carer for disabled persons, communications electronics engineer spezialiced in telecommunications, sound engineer. Where else have you worked? Hanau, Gelnhausen Why did you choose to work in your industry? Make my hobby to my job Why do you like your job? Money. Canteen. Get to know lots of people. Get to know lots of new technical features How would you describe your career? chaotic What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? I'm proud of a Unplugged-CD-recording with Amy Macdonald as sound engineer If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Don't do anything you don't like to do! What is your favorite sport? Hallenhalma, etreme couching, Tabletennis, Mountainbiking If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? Let it rain brains for humanity!
    2 points
  4. Ruggerxi

    2024-04-25 Birthdays

    XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Warface (51)WiZiD (64)
    2 points
  5. TBB

    Homemade Chili

    I've eaten chili in Cincinnati - does that count??
    2 points
  6. LOCO

    UT2004 Temp Server

    I have setup a temp UT2004 server its setup the same way i made the other once i fix other server i will post on here
    1 point
  7. Timmah!

    Homemade Chili

    Had to refresh my inventory. Yum.
    1 point
  8. So sorry to hear this news mate ...thinking of you.
    1 point
  9. Majbasil

    Homemade Chili

    1 point
  10. lTplkey336


    Crunch these are supposed to be little known facts, not war and piece sized novels. I had to get my reading glasses out for the dominos facts as I was starting to get eye strain lol. Was interesting though.
    1 point
  11. Oh and thanks for starting this thread TBB. Some joke! Maybe you want to start another Covid thread as a joke next.
    1 point
  12. lTplkey336

    Chemtrails anyone????

    Well I guess all the humor is gone out of this topic now. Now you can have a debate for the next 7 pages. Thanks!
    1 point
  13. Dot80

    2024-04-25 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday to you both.
    1 point
  14. sorry to hear Baldie pray for your wife and you
    1 point
  15. lazymarcky

    2024-04-25 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday
    1 point
  16. @djMot.....I purchased from steam and had no issues
    1 point
  17. I'm so sorry pal. I hope some positive treatment options are presented.
    1 point
  18. KaptCrunch


    sorry to inform you the penis is flesh sack and the blood pressure make it hard like a boner when i see you LoL Fact for fluid is non-compressable and a ballon is compressable
    1 point
  19. KaptCrunch


    Fact That SPEED Kills The failure of the Domino’s 30-minute delivery guarantee A spate of deaths and lawsuits ended the famous pizza marketing ploy. Is delivery any safer now? Dominos delivery car accident In October 1985, a teenage Domino’s driver was handed a pizza for delivery just outside Pittsburgh. It had been 23 minutes since the customer placed the order. He needed to hurry. He accelerated out of the restaurant parking lot and, without yielding, plowed into the car of Frank and Mary Jean Kranack, who suffered injuries. In the moments following the accident, a Domino’s manager allegedly grabbed the pizza from the driver’s car and passed it off to another delivery worker, with a message: There’s still time. “You had to wonder what kind of pressure was being placed on that manager and on the drivers that they felt compelled to put pizzas over someone’s life,” says the Kranacks’ lawyer, Kenneth Behrend, recalling the incident decades later. The pressure stemmed from a now-infamous Domino’s marketing campaign: guaranteed pizza delivery in 30 minutes or less. It was a policy that had helped establish Domino’s as one of America’s leading pizza chains — and, ultimately, nearly destroyed the company’s reputation. Making speed a guarantee In 1960, at the first location of what would become Domino’s, founder Thomas Monaghan, a former Marine and seminary school dropout, hired two unemployed factory workers to deliver pizzas. They drove the store’s Volkswagen Beetle and made 10 cents an hour plus commission. Soon, the typical Domino’s store had more delivery drivers than pizza makers, outfitted gas ovens to work in delivery cars, and made specialized boxes that folded faster than anyone else’s. Its restaurants sold just two sizes of pizza and soft drinks (no pasta or exotic Pizza Hut concoctions) and featured no tables to maintain a minimalist, delivery-centric aesthetic. That focus started to pay off in the 1980s as Americans got hooked on the concept of delivery: Women’s participation in the workforce was booming, creating a greater need for quick family meals. The rise of microwaves and frozen dinners made Americans more accustomed to convenience and averse to going out in public. (One food industry exec described these consumer habits as “cocooning.”) In 1985, Domino’s claimed a delivery customer could expect the staff to cook a pizza in seven minutes and have it arrive at their doorstep, on average, 28 minutes after they placed their phone call. That time wasn’t a ballpark estimate. Monaghan was serious about speed, recommending franchises offer free or discounted pizzas if they didn’t arrive in 30 minutes or less. By at least the mid-1980s, the 30-minute recommendation became a guarantee: Any pizza that took longer than 30 minutes was free. (It was later changed to a $3 discount. The restaurants didn’t live up to the guarantee every time (especially when cheap college students tormented drivers with imprecise directions). But the chain claimed it had a national success rate of 89% in 1984 and 95% in the late ’80s. A franchisee that operated 17 stores in Dayton, Ohio, set the company record by delivering 99% of its pizzas within 30 minutes. Corporate headquarters audited the stores’ performances by enlisting three mystery customers in every market. They’d order pizzas monthly, judge the timing and quality of the pie, and report back to corporate. Monaghan said Domino’s used these tests to evaluate employee compensation, bonuses, and promotions. As he described in his autobiography Pizza Tiger, he considered the 30-minute guarantee to be part of a “defensive mindset.” Instead of spending heavily on marketing, he believed that Domino’s would grow its base by consistently meeting customers’ expectations. He was right: In the 1980s, the Domino’s share of the US pizza industry increased from a small sliver to ~15%, growing from ~300 restaurants to more than 2k. Pizza Hut, pressured by its growing rival, introduced delivery in 1986, igniting the “Pizza Wars.” But Pizza Hut didn’t offer any timing guarantee, and analysts gave Domino’s the advantage. As Monaghan had put it a few years earlier, the chain focused on delivery “as if it was life or death.” Reckless driving, lawsuits, and pressure At a Domino’s restaurant outside Indianapolis, employees kept a tally of drivers who took longer than 30 minutes to deliver a pizza. Every week, the driver with the most late deliveries had to wear a badge that said “King of Lates.” Jesse Colson, a punctual teenage driver, never had to wear it. On a rainy Saturday night in early June 1989, Colson fatally crashed into a utility pole while speeding to deliver a pizza. He wasn’t wearing a seatbelt — his girlfriend, a fellow employee, told the Indianapolis Star he may have done that to save a few precious seconds when he got out of the car at the customer’s house. A Domino’s delivery vehicle follows a rival from Pizza Hut in 1989. It wasn’t an uncommon scene in Midwestern and Sunbelt communities, strongholds for chain pizza restaurants. The night before, a Domino’s delivery driver was involved in a nonfatal crash in another Indianapolis suburb. “If anything good could come from my son’s death,” Colson’s mother told the Star, “I hope that Domino’s does away with that 30-minute or less delivery policy.” The chain wasn’t interested. Domino’s emphasized it didn’t ask deliverers to speed or drive recklessly and said the foundation of its delivery guarantee was its efficient cooking process. The company claimed it rejected two-thirds of driver applicants and its franchise manual contained an all-caps line that said: “FAST DELIVERY DOES NOT COME FROM SPEEDING AND RECKLESS DRIVING.” Domino’s confirmed it knew of 20 people who died in crashes involving its drivers in 1988 (the National Safe Workplace Institute would later claim Domino’s delivery drivers had about the same death rate as miners, who had a fatality rate of ~35 per 100k). In the company’s annual report that year, Monaghan described the failure to honor the 30-minute guarantee as “one of the big disappointments of 1987” and called it the restaurant’s biggest priority for the year ahead. But Colson’s death happened around the same time that Kenneth Behrend’s lawsuit for the crash involving Frank and Mary Jean Kranack made national news. Before Domino’s, Behrend’s most high-profile cases involved lawsuits against a prominent lender and a regional branch of the Bell System. But, with a degree from Cornell in hotel and restaurant administration, Behrend had a grasp on how the restaurant industry worked. He started the Delivery Services Negligence Litigation Group and took calls from attorneys across the country to explain how to structure their lawsuits using a negligent corporate policy claim, a tort technique he pioneered that would allow them to tie a car wreck from a franchisee back to the 30-minute corporate policy of Domino’s. “That was the heart and soul of their corporation,” Behrend says. “And their entire mantra, their entire business model, their entire focus of all operations was on 30-minute service.” Attorney Kenneth Behrend helped organize many lawsuits while representing the Kranacks in Pittsburgh. When he complained to the press that Domino’s wasn’t providing any data on its crashes, he’d receive packages filled with company documents in the mail from anonymous employees. He learned the most common crash happened when a driver overshot somebody’s house, put their car in reverse, and slammed into a car behind them. A 1984 company survey revealed that: 17% of Domino’s drivers felt stressed trying to reach their destination in under 30 minutes. 10% admitted to driving recklessly. By 1990, Behrend estimated at least 200 lawsuits had been filed against Domino’s, and pressure mounted from legislators and labor unions. In late 1993, a case for a woman who’d been struck by a Domino’s driver while taking her kid to a bowling alley went to trial. The jury found Domino’s liable for $750k in actual damages and $78m in punitive damages — the same amount the company lost in late fees to customers the prior year. (A settlement was eventually reached.) An announcement from Monaghan came shortly after the trial ended. Domino’s, which did not respond to interview questions from The Hustle, was ending the guarantee. In a prepared statement, he said that the restaurant chain had heard the message “loud and clear.” “No matter what we do in the areas of safety and training for our drivers, some of the public still have a negative perception about us because of the guarantee, so we are eliminating the element that creates that negative perception.” The new dangers of delivery driving Behrend says his Pittsburgh case, which had crawled through the court system, settled after the St. Louis decision. So did other lawsuits. But the Domino’s litigation, according to Behrend, also had an unintended consequence. He says baseline personal insurance policies stopped covering drivers who were using their cars for business purposes. That’s an important distinction today, with the US food delivery market having doubled during the pandemic and gig workers facing uncertainty over coverage. Depending on the app and the specific point in the delivery process, they may not be covered by insurance from the likes of DoorDash or Uber Eats and risk steep costs if they get in an accident — a too-frequent occurrence. Georgetown researcher Katie Wells, who wrote Disrupting D.C.: The Rise of Uber and the Fall of the City, authored a report based on interviews with 41 gig delivery drivers in Washington DC, finding that roughly a quarter had been involved in a collision on the job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the fatality rate of driver/sales workers (a group that includes delivery drivers) was 14.6 per 100k in 2022 — higher than the rate for protective services workers like police officers and firefighters (10.2 per 100k) and miners (11.7 per 100k). Gig drivers don’t face an edict for speed like past Domino’s drivers, but Wells says the requirement to be fast is built into the job, with drivers hurrying to make financial incentives, avoid bad ratings, and ensure the food is warm upon delivery. “Your livelihood depends on you getting somewhere and getting there fast,” she says. That kind of motivation can be dangerous. When Behrend was preparing his Domino’s case, he remembers speaking to behavioral scientists who explained that delivery drivers stressed by time constraints get a form of tunnel vision. They focus on their destination and less on the world around them, leaving themselves and everyone else vulnerable, because they must arrive a little bit faster. The 30-minute guarantee may have ended decades ago. But its legacy lives on. courtesy of Mark DentPublished: April 19, 2024 @ The Hustle for the pictures
    1 point
  20. KaptCrunch


    The failure of the Domino’s 30-minute delivery guarantee The failure of the Domino’s 30-minute delivery guarantee A spate of deaths and lawsuits ended the famous pizza marketing ploy. Is delivery any safer now? Dominos delivery car accident In October 1985, a teenage Domino’s driver was handed a pizza for delivery just outside Pittsburgh. It had been 23 minutes since the customer placed the order. He needed to hurry. He accelerated out of the restaurant parking lot and, without yielding, plowed into the car of Frank and Mary Jean Kranack, who suffered injuries. In the moments following the accident, a Domino’s manager allegedly grabbed the pizza from the driver’s car and passed it off to another delivery worker, with a message: There’s still time. “You had to wonder what kind of pressure was being placed on that manager and on the drivers that they felt compelled to put pizzas over someone’s life,” says the Kranacks’ lawyer, Kenneth Behrend, recalling the incident decades later. The pressure stemmed from a now-infamous Domino’s marketing campaign: guaranteed pizza delivery in 30 minutes or less. It was a policy that had helped establish Domino’s as one of America’s leading pizza chains — and, ultimately, nearly destroyed the company’s reputation. Making speed a guarantee In 1960, at the first location of what would become Domino’s, founder Thomas Monaghan, a former Marine and seminary school dropout, hired two unemployed factory workers to deliver pizzas. They drove the store’s Volkswagen Beetle and made 10 cents an hour plus commission. Soon, the typical Domino’s store had more delivery drivers than pizza makers, outfitted gas ovens to work in delivery cars, and made specialized boxes that folded faster than anyone else’s. Its restaurants sold just two sizes of pizza and soft drinks (no pasta or exotic Pizza Hut concoctions) and featured no tables to maintain a minimalist, delivery-centric aesthetic. That focus started to pay off in the 1980s as Americans got hooked on the concept of delivery: Women’s participation in the workforce was booming, creating a greater need for quick family meals. The rise of microwaves and frozen dinners made Americans more accustomed to convenience and averse to going out in public. (One food industry exec described these consumer habits as “cocooning.”) In 1985, Domino’s claimed a delivery customer could expect the staff to cook a pizza in seven minutes and have it arrive at their doorstep, on average, 28 minutes after they placed their phone call. That time wasn’t a ballpark estimate. Monaghan was serious about speed, recommending franchises offer free or discounted pizzas if they didn’t arrive in 30 minutes or less. By at least the mid-1980s, the 30-minute recommendation became a guarantee: Any pizza that took longer than 30 minutes was free. (It was later changed to a $3 discount. The restaurants didn’t live up to the guarantee every time (especially when cheap college students tormented drivers with imprecise directions). But the chain claimed it had a national success rate of 89% in 1984 and 95% in the late ’80s. A franchisee that operated 17 stores in Dayton, Ohio, set the company record by delivering 99% of its pizzas within 30 minutes. Corporate headquarters audited the stores’ performances by enlisting three mystery customers in every market. They’d order pizzas monthly, judge the timing and quality of the pie, and report back to corporate. Monaghan said Domino’s used these tests to evaluate employee compensation, bonuses, and promotions. As he described in his autobiography Pizza Tiger, he considered the 30-minute guarantee to be part of a “defensive mindset.” Instead of spending heavily on marketing, he believed that Domino’s would grow its base by consistently meeting customers’ expectations. He was right: In the 1980s, the Domino’s share of the US pizza industry increased from a small sliver to ~15%, growing from ~300 restaurants to more than 2k. Pizza Hut, pressured by its growing rival, introduced delivery in 1986, igniting the “Pizza Wars.” But Pizza Hut didn’t offer any timing guarantee, and analysts gave Domino’s the advantage. As Monaghan had put it a few years earlier, the chain focused on delivery “as if it was life or death.” Reckless driving, lawsuits, and pressure At a Domino’s restaurant outside Indianapolis, employees kept a tally of drivers who took longer than 30 minutes to deliver a pizza. Every week, the driver with the most late deliveries had to wear a badge that said “King of Lates.” Jesse Colson, a punctual teenage driver, never had to wear it. On a rainy Saturday night in early June 1989, Colson fatally crashed into a utility pole while speeding to deliver a pizza. He wasn’t wearing a seatbelt — his girlfriend, a fellow employee, told the Indianapolis Star he may have done that to save a few precious seconds when he got out of the car at the customer’s house. A Domino’s delivery vehicle follows a rival from Pizza Hut in 1989. It wasn’t an uncommon scene in Midwestern and Sunbelt communities, strongholds for chain pizza restaurants. The night before, a Domino’s delivery driver was involved in a nonfatal crash in another Indianapolis suburb. “If anything good could come from my son’s death,” Colson’s mother told the Star, “I hope that Domino’s does away with that 30-minute or less delivery policy.” The chain wasn’t interested. Domino’s emphasized it didn’t ask deliverers to speed or drive recklessly and said the foundation of its delivery guarantee was its efficient cooking process. The company claimed it rejected two-thirds of driver applicants and its franchise manual contained an all-caps line that said: “FAST DELIVERY DOES NOT COME FROM SPEEDING AND RECKLESS DRIVING.” Domino’s confirmed it knew of 20 people who died in crashes involving its drivers in 1988 (the National Safe Workplace Institute would later claim Domino’s delivery drivers had about the same death rate as miners, who had a fatality rate of ~35 per 100k). In the company’s annual report that year, Monaghan described the failure to honor the 30-minute guarantee as “one of the big disappointments of 1987” and called it the restaurant’s biggest priority for the year ahead. But Colson’s death happened around the same time that Kenneth Behrend’s lawsuit for the crash involving Frank and Mary Jean Kranack made national news. Before Domino’s, Behrend’s most high-profile cases involved lawsuits against a prominent lender and a regional branch of the Bell System. But, with a degree from Cornell in hotel and restaurant administration, Behrend had a grasp on how the restaurant industry worked. He started the Delivery Services Negligence Litigation Group and took calls from attorneys across the country to explain how to structure their lawsuits using a negligent corporate policy claim, a tort technique he pioneered that would allow them to tie a car wreck from a franchisee back to the 30-minute corporate policy of Domino’s. “That was the heart and soul of their corporation,” Behrend says. “And their entire mantra, their entire business model, their entire focus of all operations was on 30-minute service.” Attorney Kenneth Behrend helped organize many lawsuits while representing the Kranacks in Pittsburgh. When he complained to the press that Domino’s wasn’t providing any data on its crashes, he’d receive packages filled with company documents in the mail from anonymous employees. He learned the most common crash happened when a driver overshot somebody’s house, put their car in reverse, and slammed into a car behind them. A 1984 company survey revealed that: 17% of Domino’s drivers felt stressed trying to reach their destination in under 30 minutes. 10% admitted to driving recklessly. By 1990, Behrend estimated at least 200 lawsuits had been filed against Domino’s, and pressure mounted from legislators and labor unions. In late 1993, a case for a woman who’d been struck by a Domino’s driver while taking her kid to a bowling alley went to trial. The jury found Domino’s liable for $750k in actual damages and $78m in punitive damages — the same amount the company lost in late fees to customers the prior year. (A settlement was eventually reached.) An announcement from Monaghan came shortly after the trial ended. Domino’s, which did not respond to interview questions from The Hustle, was ending the guarantee. In a prepared statement, he said that the restaurant chain had heard the message “loud and clear.” “No matter what we do in the areas of safety and training for our drivers, some of the public still have a negative perception about us because of the guarantee, so we are eliminating the element that creates that negative perception.” The new dangers of delivery driving Behrend says his Pittsburgh case, which had crawled through the court system, settled after the St. Louis decision. So did other lawsuits. But the Domino’s litigation, according to Behrend, also had an unintended consequence. He says baseline personal insurance policies stopped covering drivers who were using their cars for business purposes. That’s an important distinction today, with the US food delivery market having doubled during the pandemic and gig workers facing uncertainty over coverage. Depending on the app and the specific point in the delivery process, they may not be covered by insurance from the likes of DoorDash or Uber Eats and risk steep costs if they get in an accident — a too-frequent occurrence. Georgetown researcher Katie Wells, who wrote Disrupting D.C.: The Rise of Uber and the Fall of the City, authored a report based on interviews with 41 gig delivery drivers in Washington DC, finding that roughly a quarter had been involved in a collision on the job. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the fatality rate of driver/sales workers (a group that includes delivery drivers) was 14.6 per 100k in 2022 — higher than the rate for protective services workers like police officers and firefighters (10.2 per 100k) and miners (11.7 per 100k). Gig drivers don’t face an edict for speed like past Domino’s drivers, but Wells says the requirement to be fast is built into the job, with drivers hurrying to make financial incentives, avoid bad ratings, and ensure the food is warm upon delivery. “Your livelihood depends on you getting somewhere and getting there fast,” she says. That kind of motivation can be dangerous. When Behrend was preparing his Domino’s case, he remembers speaking to behavioral scientists who explained that delivery drivers stressed by time constraints get a form of tunnel vision. They focus on their destination and less on the world around them, leaving themselves and everyone else vulnerable, because they must arrive a little bit faster. The 30-minute guarantee may have ended decades ago. But its legacy lives on. courtesy of Mark DentPublished: April 19, 2024 @ The Hustle for the pictures
    1 point
  21. Icequeen


    The smallest bone in the human body is the stapes bone in the ear. Surprisingly not your penis.
    1 point
  22. AthenA

    COD2 Ban Appeal

    Always remember that if you can't get killed from where you are, but you can kill the other players : you're not in a good spot and you shall move. Same if you spawn or fall under the map : ask an admin or a moderator to move you, kill yourself to respawn or go to spec and come back. Going anywhere hard to get and for what you would need to modify your settings for, like jumping higher, is not allowed either as well as being invisible or under the map.
    1 point
  23. Oh no... I'm so, so sorry to hear this Baldie... my heart is broken. I'll send love and positive vibes your way I don't know how phases are for this type of cancer, but a coworker of mine went through this a couple of years ago. She had a pretty big part of her organ removed with surgery, but only a few months after she fully recovered and put it all behind her. I hope the best for your wife and with a positive ending too
    1 point
  24. So sorry to hear this... sending lots of prayers and hugs your way
    1 point
  25. I had no intention of bringing Pink Floyd into the conversation....It's actually something I said to myself out loud one morning, outside in the country ,when I was at work looking up into the dawn rising and saw 7 freaking X's in the sky ! I felt like the Gov't is just flipping us the bird.....and No, my name is not johnny.....
    1 point
  26. I used "Not Apple" Software on my PC to recover and transfer MP3s, pics and videos from my old Ipods. Make sure that you have a good cable. Not all USB cables have the ability to transfer files but they will charge a phone or ipod. You can not transfer files with Alot of the cheap cables. If you just want to transfer files from a ipone to a PC and vice-versa without using iTunes try this. https://www.copytrans.net/copytransfiley/ They have 8 other cool tools you can check out.Install this and select what you want from the drop down box. https://www.copytrans.net/download/
    1 point
  27. be strong baldie and pray that it will all get better.
    1 point
  28. Brandon put a tater in his shorts at college to impress the girls. They ran from him. One dude took pity and explained "you have to put the potato in the front."
    1 point
  29. Sorry to hear this mate. My wife is near the end of her treatments now and all I can say is stay strong and be there for her when she needs it. The treatments aren't pleasant and the overall experience is very unpleasant, which in turn affects emotions and mental well being. If you need any advice or just someone to talk to then give me a shout. In the meantime my thoughts and positive vibes are with you
    1 point
  30. Timmah!

    Homemade Chili

    Frozen for generous single servings
    1 point
  31. Well it would seem a lot of people play WAW from the game purchased from Steam. So it must work for them. I agree some might have issues. Logic would say its not steam its something on the users machine causing the issue bad download interupted install blah blah blah. My favorite is old and usless antivirus programs. LOL were so over that people. I have a saying about this stuff. You can spend hours going through the possibilities of what is wrong. I injoy this always interested in WTF reasons. But really were a very small crowd. My answer is this delete the game from steam. You can always download a new copy. I bet by now Dean could of did this 3 or 4 times. So delete the game from Steam reboot and reinstall from steam. At teh very least its the same waste of time trying everything else till you luck out and it works.
    1 point
  32. TBB


    There are fewer stars than there are trees on Earth. According to statistics, there are around 3 trillion trees on the planet and only about 400 billion stars in the Milky Way.
    1 point
  33. TBB


    Sailors working for the Royal Navy need special permission to grow their beards. Once this is approved, they are given two weeks to grow a full set before presenting himself to a Master at Arms. This person then decides if the beard looks presentable enough to keep.
    1 point
  34. BUDMAN


    1 point
  35. hey @BigPapaDean, I know I can help you fix this. Ive done it a few times with CoD on Steam. It would be so much easier to talk you through it on voice. Ive got you on fb so shoot me a message so we can get together and get you back on the battlefield. Carl Sexton on fb P.S I will say this, Step: 1 - You need someone else who is already on the version you want. Step: 2 - They need to send you their WaW game .exe from their Steam games folder. Step: 3 - Then you save it IN PLACE OF your current WaW .exe file inside your Steam games folder. Step: 4 - Change Steam Updates setting to ask before it updates. Turn off automatic updates. NEVER VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME FILES. It will send you back to current updated version. Step: 5 - Start your game. It will tell you the version you are on in bottom right corner of Main Menu. Good luck, hope it works and shoot me a message on fb.
    1 point
  36. skuzapo

    New Rotation for OWFT

    New rotation maps are map mp_all_out map mp_anzio_beach map mp_beltot map mp_chokepoint map mp_cw_trainwreck map mp_ederdam map mp_hangar map mp_kwalajein map mp_mohaa_dv map mp_owatatsumi map mp_refinery map mp_snowypark map mp_snr_brihuega_cod map mp_snrtrondheim map mp_southfrance map mp_stlo map mp_stream2 map mp_trenchtoast map mp_vm_crash
    1 point
  37. rexbowan

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank you Skuz!
    1 point
  38. skuzapo

    New Rotation For NamFT

    New rotation maps are map mp_82ab_richemont map mp_agx_ameland map mp_armory map mp_ax_dawnville map mp_bocage2 map mp_camp_merc map mp_chateau map mp_cw_neuville map mp_downtown2 map mp_nvabase map mp_industrial map mp_kursk map mp_myths_farm map mp_farmhouse2 map mp_opcenter map mp_refinery map mp_snr_carentan map mp_snr_kassel map mp_vm_maichau
    1 point
  39. Biotech

    New Rotation For NamFT

    Thank you Skuz
    1 point
  40. Biotech

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank you Skuz
    1 point
  41. Dot80

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank-you Skuzapo
    1 point
  42. lazymarcky

    New Rotation For NamFT

    Thanks Skuzapo
    1 point
  43. lazymarcky

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank You Skuzapo!
    1 point
  44. Essssieeee

    New Rotation for OWFT

    Thank you
    1 point
  45. Merlin007

    DM3 Rotation 2-6-2

    The next rotation for DM3 is now running. Small map rotation #2 map mp_78bathroom map mp_bog map mp_hhk_yokora map mp_hospital map mp_killhouse map mp_opera map mp_shipments map mp_snr_seals_2 map mp_the_cube map mp_trainingcamp map mp_villa Medium map rotation #6 map mp_bloc map mp_boneyard map mp_cw_neuville map mp_dawnville map mp_district_day map mp_downtown2 map mp_erdingtonoff map mp_makin map mp_marsh map mp_matmata map mp_mohaa_dv map mp_mohdm1 map mp_montelimar map mp_murmansk map mp_myths_farm map mp_nachtzug_2 map mp_newvillers map mp_nightmare map mp_nijmegen map mp_nvabase map mp_overgrown map mp_pipeline map mp_waw_peaks_s map mp_kokoda Large map rotation #2 map mp_agxdepo map mp_airfield map mp_altered map mp_amberville map mp_ambush map mp_anzio map mp_armory map mp_assault map mp_assembly map mp_ax_brecourt map mp_ax_simmerath map mp_ax_trainwreck map mp_bahnhof map mp_ballpark map mp_barracks map mp_bastogne map mp_beltot map mp_bentys_depot map mp_lolv2_codwaw Cheers
    1 point
  46. Markoff

    DM3 Rotation 2-6-2

    Cheers m8
    1 point
  47. LaRSin

    DM3 Rotation 2-6-2

    Thanks Merlin.......
    1 point
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