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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/18 in Posts

  1. Conspiracy Theoretical News Show is about our bullshit weather, bullshit news --- no I don't blame Chile for the weather this time or the news but I am going to make $86,000 for turning in TBB to Beijing, China for his porn habit.
    6 points
  2. Wildthing has finally! uploaded all his pictures so we can all see his pictures from the Fests. If you want him to upload your pictures to his site get in contact with him via pm. Here is the site with a lot of great memories! https://ericswan.smugmug.com/
    6 points
  3. It's never easy to deal with something like this. I agree with Rob here mate. I do. There are different kinds of people and your approach must always be different. The first step is being understanding. Sometimes the best thing you can ever do is listen. That helps so much. Then of course, you remind them to look at what IS in their life. What they HAVE got. They're still breathing, right? That's gotta count for something. They have you, family, people who do love them. There's always an underlying reason for someone to feel like they want to end it all and I found that removing yourself from root problem that is causing them to have gotten to this is a massive help. I will open up here. I was abused for almost all my life. It was horrible. I was verbally, mentally and emotionally abused in my own home. It only stopped a couple of years ago when I moved out. I had my confidence and my self-esteem and self worth completely and utterly ripped out of me. I was extremely depressed and dealing with severe anxiety disorder. I was scared to be in my own home. Or anywhere. I wanted to end it. It got to the point where I had written down my final goodbyes to people and planned everything. I was seriously debating doing it. I was on my chair ready to get up, go to the bridge near mine and jump. But I stopped myself, I couldn't do it. I had something to give me strength. My mom. I was also too scared! But what I had done was see a therapist. It was tough at first finding the right help but I soon found someone to help me. I was with them for two years and tell you what mate, my life has turned around. I moved out of my parents, I went to University and I fell in love. I found things to hold on to, things to keep me going. At my lowest I saw no hope, none at all. But after just having someone to listen to me, to hear me out, I felt so much better. We worked slowly but over time I had gotten a lot better. Found the root cause of my problems and cut that out. Never been better. Of course, I can get really low at some points and I am still on medication but I am so much better that I was a few years ago. To you friend, I don't mind you sharing what I have told you because being suicidal myself, I know what it is like. I have condensed my events down here so some parts are missing but the gist of it is there. I owe everything to my mom, my girlfriend, my therapist and the idiots on CoD2 and 4 who were there to make me laugh and support me and help me in my tough times. It's not the number of people you have around you but the quality of the people.
    6 points
  4. My brother died a while ago, and my dad took it really hard. He tried swallowing some pills but luckily we got the cops there in time. It's very hard to deal with. You have to take it one step at a time. There really isnt any good advice because everyone deals with things differently. I chose to shut myself down, and I guess that's why I'm a bitch.......
    5 points
  5. RobMc

    How to deal with Suicide

    I have dealt with 3 suicides, 2 attemped and one actual, and my son is highly qualified in this and I have talked to him about it, although complex there are two definite main reasons in my limited experience. 1/. Attempted where they don't really mean it and are looking for compassion or help 2/. The worst - silent ones who simply do it, no talking and no warning in 1/. (your friends) he has had a tragedy, or is clinically depressed (they talk about a black hole of despair), obviously he needs professional help but you can help by understanding and being compassionate, keep an eye out as often they repeat. Do not leave him alone at first as it is a vicious spiral, I still do not understand how they get there but it is very very hard to recover, do your best but don't feel remorse yourself.
    5 points
  6. hxtr

    Dumb Monday Jokes

    Answers above.
    4 points
  7. I had a friend in grade 10 that came to school and called me into the bathroom. She broke down and told me she had taken a bunch of pills because she no longer wanted to live. She told me her dad was coming into her bedroom at night since she was 5 years old. I told her I was going to get help for her. I told her I needed to tell the guidance councillor what she told me. I made sure to make her feel loved. I told her everything was going to be ok. The guidance councillar rushed her to the hospital. Shortly afterwards her father was arrested. He got 10 years in jail. She got professional help and it took almost 10 years for her to get over it. She is now happily married with 2 kids.
    4 points
    4 points
  9. AusiGirl


    3 points
  10. I don't think I would move it, your story may help someone. It's a statement that things can get better and maybe it will give hope to someone that has none right now. Thanksgiving and Christmas are very hard for some , We get older we miss the ones we had that have gone on. A lot of people are lonely this time of year. Your stuck in the house because of weather and alone with just your feelings. It can get to you. I would ask that if anyone knows of others like this just to reach out to them, a phone call, email or visit if you can, just something to let them know they are not alone and others care about them. It could mean a lot to a depressed and lonely person . Maybe even sometimes more than you would ever know.
    3 points
  11. Why would you want to hide a topic like this? Someone who is contemplating suicide and does not want to say it could be reading this and it may help them. Someone may not want to talk about a family member or friend that is going or went through this and reading this thread may help them help their family or friend.
    3 points
  12. How about this... I can't even imagine how I was feeling back then. I remember all the details but the emotions that would push me to the edge.... all I know it was the worst internal feeling ever. Like some is standing on your emotions suffocating your thoughts in one direction. As if there is no other solution. Tunnel vision thoughts grouped in a self loathing that you just want to go away. What a dark place deep depression is. We all deal with situational depression but deep depression consumes you from the inside out. Every choice you make gets is filtered though the metal prison. I'm glad all them feelings are stuck in that emotional memory block. I like my happy laughing side much better. I try very hard to avoid going there at all costs, even terminating friendships, relationships you name it in an effort to avoid unnecessary stress. I tend to go over bard in them efforts at times but do it as a a self defense action. Better to go away then have this get bad. What is funny, now I know I was not allowed to die. Have had so many close calls in my life that I know now I will die when God is ready for me to die. That bastard! lol joking God.
    3 points
  13. YACCster I when thru that twice in my life. Died once.. bastards brought me back. I can tell you when the meds started kicking in I regretting it as well.. both times. That is the problem. I was on meds both times and MAN THAT SHIT MADE IT WORSE! Tell your friend get the fuck off fucking meds and find a new solution even pot. I have not been suicidal like that ever since. I blame the medication they give you to try and fix the problem. Everything got worse in my life when all I was trying to do was fix a bit of depression. It made me a different person in may ways. FUCK MAN MADE MEDS. Tell him to get on CBD oil... good shit not no head shop crap. Full Spectrum of the plant. How do you handle your friend.. no different than you did before. He is the same person as he was before... but he was suffering and probably medicated.
    3 points
  14. Crack

    How to deal with Suicide

    love bro! i hope all is well! this is sad news..
    3 points
  15. Howdy folks, Had a friend that tried to commit suicide on Thanksgiving by overdosing on prescription medication. He immediately regretted it and called 911. Saw them over the weekend and they are ok at this point. Question is, anyone deal with this before? And how to properly deal with it going forward. Anyone have any advice, it would be appreciated. -YACC
    2 points
  16. TBB

    Dumb Monday Jokes

    How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered? Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity? Why does a round pizza come in a square box? What disease did cured ham actually have? How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage? Why is it that people say they 'slept like a baby' when babies wake up like every two hours? Why are you IN a movie, but you're ON TV? Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway... Why is 'bra' singular and 'panties' plural? Why do toasters always have a setting that burns the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat? If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a stupid song about him? Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs! If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, what is baby oil made from? Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune? Why did you just try singing the two songs above? Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window? Why, Why, Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead? Why do banks charge a fee on 'insufficient funds' when they know there is not enough money? Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection? Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him? Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets? If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes? Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white? Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale? Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized? Why do people keep running over a thread a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance? Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try? How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures? Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over? In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat? How come you never hear father-in-law jokes? The statistics on sanity is that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.
    2 points
  17. deerejon

    How to deal with Suicide

    Thats really sad.... I sent a PM.
    2 points
  18. Go have a bunch of drinks, smoke some weed, sit back, relax and wait for the impending doom. LOL
    2 points
  19. hxtr , iv' e seen a lot of u-tube videos on chem- trails , being an ex navy aircraft mechanic ive seen the trails too . there are real good shows on you tube that show the planes used and the pumping tanks used . the real scary thing right now I niburu the 10th planet look it up on u-tube they have videos from news channels showing it in broadcast . remember the ananaki will be back soon!!!!!! watch the moving above majestic by david Wilcox and coorey good also I saw a video where buzz aldrin turned down 5k cash to swear on a bible that he really went to the moon!!!!! that's also on u-tube keep up the good work
    2 points
  20. That was so cool TY! Even I was in it! TY HeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW!
    2 points
  21. Hi all idiots and wanna be idiots.. I heard a lot about global warning the last decades, but ill have to tell you global warming has no effect here in Quebec province. We had close to a foot of snow total now and last night it was a f... freezing -23C (-9F). Where the F.. is hot ? im gonna go to your place . Mark
    1 point
  22. ive been gettin alot of fuck you likes on shit i post..so ive decided to make sure u fuckerzzz know.. it aint fuck me its fuck u @YACCster @Icequeen @FUNky @Jeroen v.2 so heres a ton of fuck u's for u all
    1 point
  23. tsw 8.5

    what's that smell

    hxtr wash your ass
    1 point
  24. ? sez ???? @Crack
    1 point
  25. wildthing

    XI FEST Highlight

    My wife for the last 15 years and has been with me to every XI Fest so I did something special this year for her.
    1 point
  26. EastCoast50

    Spinpuppy got arrested

    I'm sorry to announce that Spinpuppy was arrested today for driving with a Pennsylvania license and fleeing the scene of an attempted ear swabbing at a Lowes store. Although the deed of a true hero, Beers traveled to Pennsylvania in an attempt to bail him out, but he was arrested at a DUI checkpoint. Beers was subsequently detained on a federal warrant for cannibalism dating back to the Vietnam War. Using my government connections, I was able to obtain the booking line-up photo for Spin (he's number 2 from the left). IceQueenHerb is taking up tax-deductible donations for their bail at FreeThePugs.org. FBIOpenUp is the accountant and DirtNapist is hosting the account. Donate wisely, my friends ... free the Spin and the Beers. Our map rotation depends on it!
    1 point
  27. Thank you for sharing WildThing ! Very nice !
    1 point
  28. Wow thanks for sharing it was a good time in Niagra Falls.
    1 point
  29. Fantastic pics and great memories. Thanks for sharing
    1 point
  30. Great pictures! That is a great way to show case them.
    1 point
  31. hxtr

    Global warming ?????

    Who wants to play checkers in the clouds? So natural looking ain't it? New video coming. TBB is in it.
    1 point
  32. RobMc

    Global warming ?????

    Yep more political bollocks, our cars in uk that fail the so called standards are exported to Africa, where the prevailing winds blow the toxins right back to Europe, diesel engines have no current competitors for things like ships, bulldozers etc etc the amount cars pump out is miniscule. So the usual knee jerk reactions from politicians, 15 years ago they said buy diesel, now they say scrap them, both on the flimsiest evidence. the public are once again being conned. The real joke is that while we do all this there is an exponential rise in countries like India and China, making our efforts insignificant. It's not new engines we need, it's new leaders.
    1 point
  33. YACCster

    Global warming ?????

    Aw c'mon now, you all need to get updated text books. It's now called 'CLIMATE CHANGE'
    1 point
  34. deerejon

    Happy Birthday AthenA

    Hope you had an awesome day Antena!!!
    1 point
  35. pwrcrzy52

    Happy Birthday AthenA

    Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??
    1 point
  36. WeednFeed

    Happy Birthday AthenA

    Happy Birthday Athena! Let me guess 25? i made you a cake!
    1 point
  37. Raisin

    Happy Birthday AthenA

    Happy Birthday!!
    1 point
  38. There were a lot of them around here this year, which happens every few years. Here's an obliging one that sat on top of a utility pole at sunrise in January for the hour that I watched it:
    1 point
  39. Mrs. Smeg and I spent last week in California (San Francisco, Monterey and Yosemite). Snagged these off the camera using my phone. Still haven't had time to post process / edit them. Yosemite and Monterey are absolutely STUNNING! You can keep San Francisco, though. Most of these were taken with a Canon 5D Mark IV and Canon EF 16-35 f/4L USM III
    1 point
  40. My first night-time test shot with my new-to-me Canon 6D, a camera that's very highly recommended for night-sky imaging. It was a 25 second shot at ISO 2500 with a 14mm lens at f/2.8. I can't wait to take it to a really dark area near Lake Erie next new moon. A 5D Mark IV will be my next camera, maybe later this year.
    1 point
  41. Made a trip through Tioga pass in Yosemite on my way to Reno
    1 point
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