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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/21 in Posts

  1. OH Barron, buddy you have been here long enough to know the next new flavor is just around the corner. I have been around since 07 and there was a Hxtr before and there will be another soon enough. I am disappointed that Rob chose to leave, he will be missed.
    6 points
  2. AusiGirl

    Tasty Toobs!

    You can eat my TOOBS! Lol
    5 points
  3. 5 points
  4. I die non-stop from non cheaters so what do I care. Take a chill.....its only a game. I'm here for the fun conversation in game. I have to be because I am frozen most of the time anyway.
    5 points
  5. Oh I totally understand. My feelings are is to encourage everyone to be vaccinated but I know it’s a personal choice and I respect that above everything. Ps… thank you for your service as well and stay safe.
    3 points
  6. EastCoast50


    I'm very sorry to hear that, and I'm aware of your medical background based upon your posts. My only claim to "medicine" is my time in fire-rescue/EMS/police training and experiences. The bottom line for me ... I'm terrified of needles (pain) and being injected with a foreign substance.
    3 points
  7. Often 'home' sucks balls and many people are happy to only use it as a sleeping place, or to move out only to visit at Christmas every other year. But they dont get rid of the family name. Well, usually. One thing I do have to say about corporate servers and zero-tolerance of cheaters. They are actually very fair. They are deliberate and while players can make reports they need to see things for themselves. However a big difference from here is the absolute firewall between those that police the servers and the players. Or if they do somehow know a particular player in question they are required, under penalty of termination, to recuse themselves. Any appearance of impropriety is disallowed. The problem is when all the admins know all the long time players. Be it only in-game or otherwise. Every such admin in that situation recusing themselves would leave none left to actually do it. So while its not really a nice thing to say about anybody or how well they do the job there will always be a degree of mistrust when it comes to policing long time players.
    3 points
  8. Ya and now Vandie plays on ESCs servers. I go over there regularly when XIs servers empty out. I warned them about Vandie and his/her hacks but they don't seem interested in listening. Still doing the same shooting through walls and shooting through thick foliage and trees from 200++ yards away like they are not there crap. It's really taxing on the admin team to have to spectate every suspected hacker every time they join the servers in Hopes that they slip up while an admin is spectating and recording them. Some nights I'll join and sit in spectate the entire time spectating and recording every new and questionable player that joins. Let me tell you, I would most definitely like to spend more of my free time playing or just goofing around. IMO I'm a pretty darn good player but nobody is godlike on every single map except for maybe @Sharpe. That Scottish prick lol. One of these days I'll get a GOOD video card and this "old guy" will give you a run for your money (if my fingers don't cramp up). BRB gota pee again. @RobMc It's quite simple. As the wise and almighty @wildthing says "Suck it up! Buttercup" You need to get your ass back here. This is your home to. I would like to take the time to personally thank our Admin team for what they do. Especially our Senior admins. I can't even imagine all of the BS you all deal with daily.
    3 points
  9. 2 points
  10. I honestly think that the vaccination is a personal choice and should be as such. Some people have a good reason why they won't get it and others have a good reason for why they want it. It's called respect and respecting others decisions. People tend to like to blow things way put of proportion or think that it's their responsibility to tell someone what's best for them when we don't even know sometimes what's best for ourselves. I've been a cna for a long time and a Nurse. And yet I still feel that. But I'm also here to help and help educate people. But my opinions aren't always going to coincide with what someone else's is. I believe that everyone has been stressed to the max and that Pete is right. This vaccination business has been beat to the ground and shouldn't be dug up anymore. It's bad enough we are still dealing with this crap and many other things as well. If we could just support each other and at least have somewhat of a decent approach to it or a grown up way of going about it. And okay rant over my old man wants some milk and cookies.
    2 points
  11. Controversial opinion: it's not even the 'cheaters' that ruin the game for me. I mean yeah they suck, they're annoying as fuck, they probably have small peepees and they should still definitely be banned when caught, but it's weirdly satisfying for me when I finally manage to kill somone who's killed me like 8 times in a row. What ruins the game for me is the grumpy fuckers who take the game wayyyyyyyy too seriously, kick off *literally* every time they die and can't even have a laugh while playing. Proper rays of sunshine those guys. Literally no sense of humour just grumble grumble grumble. Like come on, SOMETHING must make you laugh.
    2 points
  12. Kitsune


    Someone say bondage??
    2 points
  13. We are all in big trouble --- Its the delta variant this week and the zebra variant next week --you cant wake up the dead and vaxed
    2 points
  14. Sammy touched on this earlier, but it bears repeating at this point and maybe sheds a little light on the distinction between "cheating" and "glitching". Cheating - the use of aimbots, wallhacks, etc. - is not allowed. When there is proof that shows that these types of game cheats are being used, the player is permanently banned. The player being referred to here ended up under the map which is considered glitching. If we took out every map that has a glitch spot, we'd lose a ton of otherwise good maps. Players who glitch are warned that it is not allowed, and if they continue, they will get banned. The ban for this particular player was not for cheating, it was for glitching. We placed the ban to get the player's attention, since no admin was around at the time that this happened. He has been warned, and his temp ban will be lifted. He knows it will result in a permanent ban if it happens again.
    2 points


    right guys i hope some of u got my warnings in time i no some of u were trying to make sure that my warnings were turned into jokes and made fun of me i understand why and call me tinfoil hat and other nasty things and im sorry for u for doing that so with that said i hope and pray that some of u did listen well i warn u all again this time they are pushing back and they are planning to come to ur homes and they will force the jab on mrna on your children if u did not listen then take this as my last warning peace out i was here and this info blew me away what surprized me the most i posted on here about all of this 2 year ago and its all coming out now https://brandnewtube.com/watch/full-version-dr-vernon-coleman-live-speech-london-world-wide-rally-for-freedom_FKFssjCR5Utipc3.html
    1 point
  16. So yet again, despite promises we let a player caught cheating play on, the last couple took two years to kick, and did they stop cheating after their first warnings, let me see no they didn't, surprise eh? Now what you do is up to you, but let us look at some consequences of your (poor) decision making :- 1/. Yet again someone gets some evidence only to have it overturned, happens time and time again, so are they going to bother their arse in the future?, you bet they're fucking not. 2/. Honest ordinary members now have to play on their own so called servers with someone they know for certain is a cheat, what a ludicrous state of affairs. 3/. May I remind the management that recently they said they would be taking action on things like this, only for us to see nothing changing at all. 4/. I know this fckr will not stop, he'll give it a few months then be back to normal, he was suspicious on ftag, time will tell, but I know that I'll not be playing with him on our servers, and if the rest of you had any morals neither should you. I was just going to hand my tags in, almost useless anyway, but those who know me know I don't give in without a fight, so do something for me, if you agree with me that you are sick of seeing known cheaters play put a like at the end of this. Thanks Rob
    1 point
  17. Total shocker. So sad, but it seems we are starting to lose more rockers of that era
    1 point
  18. Thats terrible news. I watched a documentary on these boys and the talent was amazing. I was so used to the beards that I diden't realize they were good looking guys that could play outstanding music especially the blues. The look was for fun. Sad news indeed.
    1 point
  19. Clan has been around for over a decade and this thread is really just a repeat of a thousand previous threads. I am sure the clan will endure as long as there are games we all agree to play together. Speaking of which anyone into Elite Dangerous or Elder Scrolls Online?
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. You still an >IDIOT<
    1 point
  22. Once it doesn't turn out to be fldmarshal continuing his posts I'll be happy
    1 point
  23. It's going to hurt probably. lol
    1 point
  24. KaptCrunch


    correct for have head stuck in ass, really they think are above everyone else but flip it around.......root of evil is money for puts you into bondage of it, they sleep with the money to make sure no one steals it caveman had it made (pay your rent sucker), for food chuck a spear thats the life. Just don't take a bear den for a home or your thier meal. since 1er's have stripped mined this planet and want to go to Mars, a 1 way ticket load them all up an be rid of those parsites
    1 point
  25. I agree! "Cryin' li'l bitches" Seriously there wouldn't be any members or players if were to ban everyone that everyone wanted banned. It would be like a circular firing squad!
    1 point
  26. GhostfaceJim

    never mind

    Oinks for Points!
    1 point
  27. I’ve written about this several time! Being an Admin can really be a THANKLESS job and yet our Admins soldier on. Just imagine trying to enjoy a few moments in the servers to unwind! Yes we all know at times questionable players do what questionable player do. I was an Admin many years ago in another clan, taking on those responsibilities really distracted from an enjoyable game play. The constant accusations, investigations, specking suspects really takes from one’s enjoyment. I also was a Supervisor in my real life working at an oil refinery. Not unlike an Admin a Supervisor has to wear many hats. People expect you to be a Parent, a clergyman a councillor a teacher a sympathetic ear, people expect you to be the answer guy/girl. People expect you to have all the answers, Lord knows the answers will never satisfy everyone but when one has taken on the responsibility of Admin or Supervisor you better have thick skin. Nothing in life or gaming is simple. There is always 3 sides to every conflict! It’s like a divorce, there’s her side, his side and the truth lies in the middle somewhere. Both parties will always think they were cheated, that’s why lawyers make so much money lol. Again I’d like to go on record saying our Admin’s have a very hard and sometimes thankless job but for the most part they get it done. I thank you all for the many hours you put into our clan. Im a mediocre player at best, I’m 64 and I really love Freeze Tag over all other gaming mods. WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE PLAYERS WHO ARE YOUNGER FASTER AND JUST PLAIN BETTER THAN ME. Just because they are better doesn’t mean they are cheaters. I’m ok with that, after all we are playing a video game! Sincere Regards Wayne(Weed)
    1 point


    hey man hope ur keeping safe and well kaptcrunch the sheep are heading for the end of the cliff were We the people are watching them fall
    1 point
  29. KaptCrunch


    nay sayers always throw dirt to chaange the course of topic to suit thier need$, the coin has two sides so beware greedy persons for money and friends are soon parted.
    1 point


    Baron what u said made no sense u just keep drinking ur coo-lade ok i put that video up because i wanted u all to see the event that i went to in London so tell me how can it be fake LMAO 1000 other people there as well my fellow brothers and sisters what u should do is watch it b4 u judge me
    1 point
  31. It sucks that it always seems to be around the same areas. There's a whole other side of the country. Just sayin.
    1 point
  32. But, c0ntrails. I know I wouldn't want to be an admin & have to babysit those that bring their misery to the servers. Now, I know I whine...get on my own nerves at times; but there are some pissy miserable little bitches that use the forums & the server as a platform to vent their unhappiness... get a shrink; I did, years ago. Cryin' li'l bitches. Imagine having to live in that headspace 24/7; especially when personal agency allows otherwise. So to recap: Cryin li'l bitches. Have a great day.
    1 point
  33. Thanks again for your opinion on things Rob, we do they best we can for the clan every day, but we never hear anything good when we do good things, but just like the media, when something goes bad boy it makes headlines and everyone tried to get everyone going about it. If people actually made headlines about the good things we do here then maybe there would be a better mood about the clan. If people keep dragging down the clan every chance they get well who would wanna play here, and people who keep bringing stuff up for years ago, let's try to move on and get in game and see how things are now instead of living in the past. Bring some joy to the servers and not drama Admins are doing our best to make this place a great place for our members.
    1 point
  34. One thing to keep in mind, for this place, is that there is a difference between different levels of cheating.... which happens a lot here and to a degree tolerated... vs outright glitching. Which is what happened in this case. As for admin processes, decisions and such, well I really cant offer much of an opinion. But I do agree Rugger is putting an inordinate amount of time trying to perform the role of the adult playground monitor among a large number of unruly kids in the hopes of making sure they play nice with one another. Or at least as nice as possible since these days you cant give unruly kids a spanking.
    1 point
  35. I respectfully don’t want to get into the vaccination wars for we have beat that subject into the ground. I just wanted to add one comment on the technology surrounding mRNA’s. Mrs Pete has Leukemia, a cancer that is not curable and she will fight this awful disease until there are no more days left. Leukemia like Covid is not easy to treat, it mutates and un-mutates which makes treatment close to impossible. mRNA technology has been around since the 1990’s. The issue was we didn’t have a solid idea how to use it effectively in medicine. mRNA has been considered to unlocking personalized cancer therapies. By combining genetic screening, liquid biopsies, healthcare providers can design and manufacture mRNA therapies specifically made for patients’ unique tumor genetics. Similar to vaccines, mRNA can be used to encode cancer-specific proteins and target cancer cells rather than healthy ones. For the first time, cancer treatment tailored to you and no one else. People like my wife have a fighting chance to live a long life with technology such as this. My thoughts, get vaccinated don’t get vaccinated. There is more to this than you can imagine and yes on both sides of the coin. Stay safe regardless.
    1 point
  36. KaptCrunch


    my search of his book The Medicine Men, How to Stop ... Hmmm seems another shunning act commited is silenced by big pharma buying up all the books written by Coleman. why is that Greedy selfish want to kill anything that money can't be made from. like Nikola Tesla want the world to have free power no bill to pay and the Greedy put you into bondage. with solar power is the next best thing that they can't put a price on it. this why its not happening you still have to plug in your car to charge it from the grid. BTW i not see he lost license or any other than called a pseudoscientific Pete for Dr is a professional person (look up to) like the bible say honor Thy Father Thy Mother should be stricken and replaced with honor TRUTH and RESPECT but today is screw everybody and steal the cash from them VIA bondage. Bre-X gold scam comes to mind for the hype of gold in them hills
    1 point
  37. I have an idea, why don’t we round up all this people who make outlandish and false claims that have been debunked so many times we have lost count. The internet in all its glory has given these people a megaphone to spew this rhetoric. Having a voice doesn’t make you an authority, it just make you the loudest asshole in the room. It’s time for these individuals to get out of their moms basement and contribute to society. Don’t be scared, that orange ball in the sky is only the sun it won’t harm… no need to blog about that.
    1 point
  38. Honestly mate.... Dont know if you've realised but every time you post we're expecting a comedy show. I'd just give up.. on the other hand. Jab me up!! 10 days in greece and not lifting a hand
    1 point
  39. Happy bday to zaubermaus, trailertrash and big Fenster from us
    1 point
  40. Happy bday Window and Zaubermaus
    1 point
  41. https://variety.com/2021/music/news/zz-top-bassist-dusty-hill-dead-dies-1235029656/
    0 points
  42. Kitsune


    I thought that was Twilight? Fuck it, never cared for either of then tbh
    0 points
  43. Well I will say one thing with Rob gone, the website will be very quiet for a while with the lack of posts/topics, just like when hxtr left. Shame to you see you leave @RobMc, you had your reasons at the same time so I cant complain in that regard, hope you pop in every now and then man!
    0 points
  44. Depends on location.....want to make this one. Someone has to keep Angus in check.....
    0 points
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