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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/19/21 in Posts

  1. How very sad, so sorry to see him gone. He will be dearly missed.
    7 points
  2. snaFU73

    To all you Bunny Hoppers

    A bear and a Bunny Rabbit are taking a shit in the woods. The bear asks the bunny, "Do you have trouble with shit sticking to your fur?". The bunny answers, "No". The bear then picks up the bunny and wipes his ass with it.
    7 points
  3. Got word today that Blackbart passed away today. I can’t believe these great people are gone from our lives. Bart was one of the original members and has been through it all with this clan and has always stood strong with the decisions that the clan made. He was the best clan mate, friend anyone could ask for. He will be truly missed by so many here especially the cod2 crew where Bart played. RIP my friend
    5 points
  4. She has a nic nac board of cadavers of her opponents and is very ninga in game. you never know when the blade strikes.
    5 points
  5. Bart was one of a kind, a very special man who was respected and loved by almost everyone. I was lucky enough to have Bart as a friend from the very beginning of XI. His humor/laugh, and his kindness, added enjoyment to every game he played. Bart always had positive things to say and if one crossed that line he would address the issue in politeness and firmness when required. Struggling to imagine a XI gameplay without Bart, words cannot describe this emptiness. Bart you will never be forgotten, RIP my friend.
    5 points
  6. Love and prayers to his family. Rugger or Ted please keep us informed on his wifes health. Ted, if you or Rugger learn of any funeral arrangements let me know. I would love to send flowers. Or maybe you can set up an account we all could donate money for flowers ? Fuckin sucks !! Bart was one of the best !! Still is !! Save us a seat Bart !!!
    5 points
  7. ShadyBrady

    Bunny Hoppers

    I don't mind getting shot by bunny hoppers (or toobers, clays, bettys). The only thing I don't like is having to see @Timmah!'s hairy nutsack constantly flopping up and down all the damn time as he hops all over the friggin' map...MAN!!! Can ya just wear some shorts or some shit?! It's like he has two little marbles in a dirty, ol' tube sock tied to his waist that bounces up and down... Up and down... I swear I've seen them hit him smack in the face a couple'a times.
    5 points
  8. @TedsofBeverlyHills I wish to Thank you here in open forums as well for keeping us up to date on @Blackbart circumstance with him and his wife...I made a simple 2 day trip north (2200 miles) and really thought everything would be fine(just got home now)....Only to find out that nothing synced right on my cell so I was crippled to the internet and all contacts... @PainKiller alerted me first followed up by @BlownAwaybyLewinski who intern got me your number to touch bases with you on any updates as I was out of the loop.... Thank you all for who you are and what you mean to this Clan....I have no issue saying that I am deeply concerned/saddened and upset...I did speak with Bart and he wanted to Thank everyone for their friendship and well wishes...Me and Carrie were going to take the 19hr ride to see him but Bart thought it best that we did not as there was too much going on at his end....I want you all to know it is the friendship,family and Love that truly binds the Cod2 community and this entire Clan together...If we could have went we would have for everyone in this Family Please continue to lift up your Thoughts and Prayers for the Bartlett Family and Our Brother Much Love and Respect to All loADER>XI< @Blackbart we Love ya Brother !
    5 points
  9. Timmah!

    Bunny Hoppers

    ...when you hide all the way in the back of your spawn & complain about how people get to you that have to run all the way across the map to play the game with you...
    5 points
  10. All week long I have been dreading reading this post. My whole time with the clan has been on COD2. I know I need to venture out to some other games. But He has always been one that was there and always great to play against and talk with and made it fun. It’s always been more about the people for me than anything else. We need to keep the prayers strong for his wife who is fighting the same battle, but now with this added stress. He will be greatly missed
    4 points
  11. Condolences to the family, friends and even the clan members here who knew blackbart. Sending thoughts from my family to his,
    4 points
  12. SnullerDk

    Bunny Hoppers

    The game is not funny anymore , there are so manny Bunnyhoppers in freezetags, and they coming and jump rigth into your face run around and jump shoot bummm you finish, not fun sorry guys i know this is not only me some means that
    3 points
  13. Terrible and more terrible news. Truly heartbreaking. RIP and condolences to his family. This is so sad.
    3 points
  14. Izumi

    Bunny Hoppers

    This is the quote of the week. Also, I am so thankful my video card does not have as much detail as Greg's to see the hair...
    3 points
  15. major-mark63

    Bunny Hoppers

    I use hunting rifle to kill the bunnies and i bring them to @Timmah so he cook them for me
    3 points
  16. Ghostlupus

    Best friends

    Ver sorry mate. Our Molly is now 14 years old and getting on a bit. (like me)
    3 points
  17. Shadow

    Bunny Hoppers

    I personally love that there are no rules in what gaming style you choose. It's the main reason I started playing here
    3 points
  18. snaFU73

    Bunny Hoppers

    I do feel your pain Snuller. It can be frustrating when there is a pack of fluffy armed bunnies coming at you. But, it all comes down to play style. I personally like the variety of play styles. It keeps things interesting. There is never going to be a server that will make everyone happy. What I don't like are the people who use guns and grenades. Can we set up a server that only allows hugs and kisses?
    3 points
  19. WldPenguin

    Bunny Hoppers

    This server does not allow any jumping or hopping
    3 points
  20. My 88 Greenbay Packer Limo, 1967 Series 75 limo, 2014 HD Limited, 1995 Federal Hearse and of course my name sake design...street sweepers...Crosswind Nascar Track Sweeper(actually the company's vehicle...lol), 2019 Rav4 Hybrid and my workhorse 2004 towing rig GMC
    3 points
  21. He was a great person and clanmate. I will miss him in game and beyond. The clan has taken some hard hits lately. Hoth
    2 points
  22. My heart is at a loss to image a time where he will not be here. He was one of those few individuals who you just liked the first time you met him. Himself , phantom and Dizzle were the ones who encouraged me to join XI in early 2007. You maybe gone my old friend but you will never be forgotten. Pete (Ter)
    2 points
  23. sad sad day R.I.P Brother idiot you will never be forgotten
    2 points
  24. I am so sorry to hear this. This year has been especially cruel.
    2 points
  25. BlackRose

    Bunny Hoppers

    Also, I am so thankful my video card does not have as much detail as Greg's to see the hair... RIGHT!!!!hahahahahaha
    2 points
  26. PainKiller

    Bunny Hoppers

    It really comes down to someones play style. You say that a lot of people are bunny hopping and it ruins the fun. The same can be said for sitting in the corner with an LMG and spamming the ever loving crap out of walls. That is your playstyle. Some like to run around like lunatics and jump around with rockets up their ass; that's their playstyle. Yes different playstyles are annoying, some more than others, but there's no rule against it. That is just how they play the game. Just because it's different doesn't mean its wrong. We had a similar thread up some time ago if I remember correctly riddled with complaints about LMG's and wall-spammers. They're still in the game and those people still play. You just gotta live with it. If it does get too much then of course, there is the no-bunny hopping server. Just get a sohtgun to their face, can't miss from that range
    2 points
  27. Sourtap

    Bunny Hoppers

    Also too many campers...not fun anymore! Love ya Pia!
    2 points
  28. Chevy Traverse pulling our toy.
    2 points
  29. The Camaro is @Gatorgirl weekend car and when the sun is out, she drives my Durango. The old red is my new project and daily ....
    2 points
  30. monkie

    Best friends

    Hi All, well its a sad day today so i want you lot to cheer me up!! i lost my best pal of 12 year this morning harvey my very loyal doggie. had the best 12 years and loved every minute but it was his time so come all show me your special pal cheer me up with your love for your furry friend
    1 point
  31. Seems legit ... don't get caught riding dirty.
    1 point
  32. PainKiller

    Bunny Hoppers

    They don't bother you because you blow them up with the nade launcher before they even get the chance to lift their feet off the ground
    1 point
  33. Daddyo

    Hiking! #2

    I've had the terrible luck of rain, like this weekend. However, I plan to be out soon again. Hopefully this weekend, at least Sunday I'll be able to get on, and throw some G3 bullets your way. With Covid, a lot of people took up day hiking, which is great. However, some areas in North Carolina, had to be closed up due to people leaving trash behind and what not. I guess in a way, why I avoid short hikes, I rather be out there if I'm doing a day hike 4-6 hours. I hope so, I'd love to see some pictures of your area!
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Super Max

    Bunny Hoppers

    Plus one. I leave the server when we have a lot off bunnys in the server. Nu fun
    1 point
  36. BlackRose

    Bunny Hoppers

    there was a server set up same but does not allow this,,not sure if it is still up or not @Ruggerxi
    1 point
  37. Gato Rojo

    Hi All

    Hi All, Gato Rojo from Holland played on youre server and want top play more. Thanx for the gaem 2night.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. TBB

    Best friends

    Sorry for your loss - it's always hard to loose a pet - they're like family - had the sweetest dog for 17 years - lost her 40 years ago but still think of her every day
    1 point
  40. 2018 Ford Explorer Sport 2012 Larson Cabrio 857
    1 point
  41. work truck and playtime bike
    1 point
  42. My car and both bikes. The Indian is new.
    1 point
  43. Here is my last toy. 2021 GMC Canyon High elevation V6 4x4well needed here for the sand road and snow in the Quebec's winter
    1 point
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